Saturday, November 30, 2013

My greatest gift --- my Salvation!!!

5 years ago today Al and I left everything on the cross and recommitted our lives to Christ! Little did I know our lives would never be the same.  Every sin, every heartache, every painful situation I endured could no longer define me. I was FREE from it all and renewed in my spirit!!! Thank you, Lee Gee for loving us when we didn’t love ourselves. As for those who have not encounter God, it’s never too late!!! Matthew 19 changed my life. I read this passage over and over again and undoubtedly fed my spirit versus my flesh. One word: Eternal Life! With God, everything is possible!!

I also want to thank KSBJ Christian radio station in Houston, Texas. I never understood what worship music was prior to Salvation. In my darkest hours, the songs that played saved my life!! One song, in particular, “Hope Now” by Addison Road gave me hope. I wasn’t on my own and all my life I’ve been carried by my Father!!! His love set me free. Till this day when I hear this song, I cry tears of joy.  Watch this video:  

The beginning of Salvation!!

One last song I encourage all sinners to hear is “Hallelujah” by Tenth Avenue North. To express in word the power behind these words is difficult. I fell to my knees because the sin was too unbearable to hold. Could He really love me after all that I done?  Yes! As sung…“You spread Your hands and made a refuge for the WEAK and BLESSED, the weary bruised and broken took us in, inside Your wounds we hide away”. This was it…I was no longer not good enough!!! I found my refuge and by His blood, I was SAVED!!!! My life has never been the same after this. Thank you Jesus for the Christian artist who boldly profess the truth that led me out of the dark. Please watch this video:
Pure joy...look at our faces!!!
Happy 5th anniversary, Al!!! I am so proud of the man you are today. I admire your boldness and your faithfulness that led us to beautiful California and now Panama. Being with you is my greatest adventure…you get me and for that, I’m eternally grateful. I pray as we embark on this journey, for His Kingdom, that we are always authentic and transparent so we can share the gospel to others in need of Salvation. May our hearts be pure and loving and our eyes be focused on the One who gave His life for us.

Love always, your wife for LIFE,


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Here we go…speaking from the heart

A few days ago I sent an email to my nearest and dearest friends. Some that are Christians, some that aren’t but they know my heart and felt lead by the Holy Spirit to share the Good News. When we were assigned this position in Panama, I knew it had little to do with my husband’s job but more so, the Mission our Father is sending us on. You see, I prayed and prayed for this assignment, not knowing it would lead us to Central America.

As most of you know or saw via Facebook, our church served a local orphanage two weeks ago. Without going into too many details, it was a huge blessing! We went there to plant for Jesus, sing songs (most I’ve never heard of but willingly sang) for Jesus, and love on these kids with the heart of Jesus!! The precious children were so much fun!! One boy, who probably never plowed or planted in his life, had expert hands and God given knowledge! Not a huge surprise, just a gift he has been blessed with!

Immediately a sweet baby gravitated towards me. She held my hand and made sure I didn’t leave her side for too long. Her eyes were sad but her heart was willing. She trusted me and let me love her. I saw glimpses of joy and even held her long enough that she fell asleep in my arms. One of the ladies from my church said, “Who knows the last time she was held like this?”  It broke my heart but I knew if I had only this time to do it, I was going to give every ounce of love I had!! This sweet baby cried when we left and sought comfort from the wall. I made a promise to her that I would be back. As you can imagine, my heart was broken and I just hated leaving her there. 
Isn't she adorable???
On our way out, Pastor’s wife, Amy told us that we would indeed be back for our Christmas outreach! This would be for the entire family in December. On the way home, the Holy Spirit took over my heart. He wanted more from me. There are so many issues I had been conflicted with re: the adoption process here, the broken foster care system and the nonexistence of free day cares here. I immediately reached out to Heidi from Open Arms Ministry and asked for her to join me in prayer for missionaries to serve in Panama. I know things don’t happen overnight but I know I serve an almighty Father! I also know He uses ordinary people, like you and me, to do EXTRAORDINARY things for His Kingdom.

With this said, I felt comfortable only asking help from my dearest friends. Only few responded, which I sort of expected. Those who did, did willingly knowing this is to further God’s love and mission here in Panama. I again have been praying and today, while doing dishes, I felt again the Holy Spirit speak to my heart to be BOLD!! To not put this mission in a box for few but for all. So here it is, BOLDLY writing on behalf of those children. We need your help!

Amy, Pastor’s wife gave me these details: We are in need of children's clothing and shoes. For boys: it is mostly 2t, 4t, size 6 and 8. There are several babies right now, so any baby sizes from 3 months to 12 months would be perfect. As for girls: they are asking for mostly size 4t, a few 6 and 8. Right now, there are only 2 girl babies, both 11 months. Also children shoes (sandals or athletic) of any size for kids.  Keep in mind, the only thing that belongs to these children are there clothes and shoes. Also, we only have warm weather in Panama and summer is on the horizon in December.

Another option is diapers, wipes, milk, formula and many more. I'm happy to share the list with you, if needed. These are bulky items so we would need money donations for them so I can purchase them at our local Price Smart (aka Costco)!

Here is the plan, Cecily is coming home (Panama) for winter break. She leaves on Dec 10 and anything you can help donate would be much appreciated. There are a lot of sales on summer stuff right now. For free shipping, I would use's Red Card and you can mail it directly to Cecily. It's like a debit card but with perks! Cecily will buy space saver bags and try to shrink wrap everything to send over here via plane. 
Her address is:
Cecily Patino
TCU Box 293700
Fort Worth, TX 76129  

Also, Cecily will be in San Antonio, for my SA peeps, during Thanksgiving. If you'd like, you can drop things off at my mom's house. Email me at for details.

I thank you for partnering up with my church and I to help these beautiful children. They don't have the means to work or help themselves. They didn't choose their situation and need our help and our love! Many blessing to you all and look forward to hearing from you!!